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Engagement Model – Mind Spark Technologies
One of the basic notions of the software development process is SDLC models which stand for Software Development Life Cycle models. SDLC – It starts from the moment decision is made to launch the project, and it ends when the software product is implemented and used by the user community.
The most used, popular and important SDLC models are given below:
- Waterfall Model
- Iterative Model
- Agile Model

Waterfall SDLC Model
Waterfall – is a cascade SDLC model, in which development process looks like the flow, moving step by step through the phases of analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation. This SDLC model includes complete execution of one step before starting next step.
And if you take one of the SDLC models mentioned below as the basis – in any case, it should be adjusted to the features of the product, project, and company. This process has complete documentation with predefined deliverables after every phase of software development life cycle model.
Iterative SLDC Model
The Iterative Software Development Life Cycle process may start with the requirements to the functional part, which can be expanded later. This process is repetitive and generates new versions of the product for every cycle.
Every iteration includes the development of a separate component of the system, and after that, this component is added to the functional developed earlier. The iterative model is a realization of the sequential approximation method; that means a gradual closeness to the planned final product shape.

Agile SDLC Model
In the agile methodology after every development iteration, the customer is able to see the result and verify if it meets user expectation or not. This is one of the advantages of the agile software development life cycle model, it requires only initial planning to start the project.
One of its disadvantages is that with the absence of defined requirements it is difficult to estimate the resources and development cost. Extreme programming is one of the practical use of the agile model. The basis of such a model is short weekly meetings which are the part of the Scrum approach.